Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Years in Prague

After Christmas, my friends from the States, David and Andy, visited me in Holland. After a few days in Holland, we went to Prague for New Years. As true as everyone claims, it is the jewel of eastern Europe. Untouched by war or natural disaster, the city is lined beautifully with ancient architecture and cobblestone streets. Although still on the Czech Crown, it isn't as cheap as it used to be. A very touristy city, especially during New Years, many people are enjoying the views and sites that Prague has to offer.

The New Years celebration was something I have never seen before. The Czech government has not yet regulated the use of fireworks, so citizens were shooting off fireworks from the streets. These were the same fireworks that are shot off from high skyscrapers in other cities. Although dangerous, it was definitely a site to see.

After seeing the city, I went out to Terezin, the location of a Jewish Ghetto and detention camp during World War II. There just aren't any words to describe what I saw and what I was feeling. However, it's something that we all won't forget.

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