Monday, October 15, 2007

EURO Road Trip 07 - Munich, Germany for Oktoberfest

One thing that I have missed in Europe is driving. Being from the United States, and especially Indiana (where everything is so spread out), driving is a natural daily task. Here in Holland, cycling is a natural daily task. You would be amazed at that the Dutch can do and carry on their bicycles. Just for example, one day, I observed a mother carrying three children on her bicycle! One was in a seat attached to the handle bars, the other behind her, and another standing right in front of her. Well, if you can't picture it, trust me, I had to take second looks.

But with October approaching, many of us wanted to experience some German culture, so we decided to take a road trip to Munich and see what Oktoberfest was all about. After some discussions with other Germans, I discovered that many Germans haven't experienced Oktoberfest. To many, Oktoberfest is mainly for the tourists.

It was an interesting road trip. Since I had the most experience in driving long trips, everyone deferred to me for organizing the excursion. We rented a Mercedes-Benz van, crammed into it, and headed for the German autobahns. It took us around 8 hours to arrive, driving at times 170-180 km/hr with the traffic jams and the breaks.

It's known around the world that on the German Autobahns there is no speed limit. That's only partially correct. In some areas, usually the rural areas, that is correct, there is no speed limit; however, in more urban areas, you would be lucky to drive 120 km/hr. If you are thinking that 170 km/hr is fast, we made plenty of BMWs and Mercedes pass us at upwards to 200 km/hr. The Germans really do know how to build their cars and their highways.

Oktoberfest was a lot of fun. It was basically a big fair that included German beer. All of us who went were from other parts of the world, including the US (myself), Russia, Turkey, New Zealand, Scotland, and Greece. One thing that I have enjoyed is meeting people from all around the world and learning about their culture. What's even more interesting is all of us experiencing something new together.

Besides Oktoberfest, Munich is a beautiful city. Home to BMW, Bayer, Siemens, and other Fortune 500 companies, it's a city lined with historic architecture and history ... and Starbucks! (There's only one Starbucks in Holland - at the airport!) Unfortunately, our stay in Munich was only for a few days, otherwise we would have ventured and explored more. We'll save the rest for another time.

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