Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's undergrad all over again!!

When I was planning to make this trip of a lifetime, I promised myself to get immersed in Dutch life as much as I can. Everyone knows the saying, "When in Rome, ..." Well, when in Holland, do what the Dutch do, so since Dutch students join Student Associations, so did I.

In America, when we think of Student Associations, we think of Tennis Club, Chess Club, Debate Club, etc. Not in Holland. I am now a member of Quintus, a national Student Association of Dutch students and alumni. Yes, a Student Association is equivalent to America's Greek Life.

However, it's not exactly the same. In Holland, the Student Association is co-ed, and then the students divide up into smaller groups. It is the smaller group that acts more like a fraternity or sorority. They throw parties, have specially designed shirts, etc. As you can see, it didn't take me long to figure out how Dutch life really is.

I credit my discovery to the people I have met. My Dutch "buddy" (a/k/a mentor), Marijke (the girl wearing glasses), introduced me to her friend, who was a member of Quintus. After much discussion, I knew I just had to be a member. Below, you can see pictures of my new Dutch friends and fraternity brothers.

Not only have I joined a Dutch Student Association, but living in, literally, a dorm room brings back memories of good ol' IU!! Yes, A DORM ROOM!! Most all of you know, for the past 3 years, I've had the amazing time of living in a house in downtown Indianapolis. I LOVE my home, and going from a 3 bedroom home to just a room is interesting. But as you can see, everything fits ... so far.

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