Thursday, August 16, 2007

Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid - Leiden University Faculty of Law

This is the Faculty of Law where I will be taking classes and spending much of my time. I will be obtaining a Masters of Advanced Legal Studies in European Business Law (LL.M. Adv.). It's sound really fancy, so I am sure they made a mistake admitting me into this program. In fact, the law school at Leiden is considered to be the best law school in the country. Since Harvard or Yale denied my admission, at least I'm attending the number one school somewhere in the world! Just joking ... GO HOOSIERS & GO JAGS!! :)

It's a very modern building with all of the most recent technologies. I am sure I'll enjoy my time in Leiden.

1 comment:

Mylife-myview said...

So humorous. Leiden is Yale of Netherlands. ^^